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audio performed by: Eilidh Beaton
genre: Thriller/Suspense - Thriller
publication date:03/25/2025
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The deeper into the past she digs, the higher the price she must pay for the truth.

It’s been ten years since Alison’s perfect world fell apart. Ten years since her son Sam disappeared while on a family holiday. Lost at sea, they said, his body never found. And even though her brother and sister were supposedly looking after the kids, Alison will always blame herself.

Caught in a spiralling web of all-consuming grief where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, Alison refuses to let go. So when her ex-husband seeks to have Sam officially pronounced dead, Alison embarks upon a desperate and harrowing quest to discover what really happened that day on the beach.

But is the truth worth losing what is left of her sanity?

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Unabridged 8 hours


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