
American Conspiracies and Cover-ups

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American Conspiracies and Cover-ups

American Conspiracies and Cover-ups

JFK, 9/11, the Fed, Rigged Elections, Suppressed Cancer Cures, and the Greatest Conspiracies of Our Time

By: Douglas Cirignano

audio performed by: Mel Foster, Joyce Bean, Tom Parks
genre: Political/Social - Political Science
publication date:05/07/2019


“Those intrepid souls seeking to peer deeper into America’s greatest conspiracies should start with Douglas Cirignano’s voluminous book. Cirignano has them all. Incisive interviews with knowledgeable experts. Don’t miss this tour de force.”—Jim Marrs, New York Times bestselling author

America’s biggest conspiracies, as told by the experts.

America’s Conspiracies and Cover-ups brings together interviews with the bestselling and brightest minds in the alternative history world to create the definitive guide to our country’s biggest secrets. Jim Marrs and G. Edward Griffin, along with scholar Noam Chomsky and others experts, come together to answer questions about your favorite conspiracies:

  • Is the Federal Reserve System unconstitutional?
  • Was the IRS created to bail out Big Banks?
  • Are cancer cures and cheap alternative energy being suppressed?
  • Are elections made fraudulent by hacked voting machines?

Author Douglas Cirignano brings together the foremost experts in the field to answer these questions once and for all, and prove that mainstream histories don’t tell the real story.

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Unabridged 16 hours


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